feminine fashions
Hello fashionista-fairytalers!
Ashley from sparkle sense here to give you a dose of friday feminine fashions. I gave my Pinterestboards a revamp last week, particularly {sparkle sense style}. All photos below are from my Pinterest board.
Lately, I've been trying to only pin outfits that I actually think I would wear. I had a bad habit in my old inspiration board {which I completely deleted} to pin things that would honestly just never look good on me.
I ask myself -- would that inspire an outfit that would actually work on me?
I'm finally in a place where I can wear what I want to wear and not worry about if it's "appropriate" or not. I used to be self conscious {since high school} because I was ALWAYS the one was dressed up. But, as I've learned, you just have to own it. If I want to wear wedges & heels everyday, I will. If I want to dress up at a football tailgate, I will. Because who's to say that's wrong?
I might always be overdressed but at least I feel my best :)
photo via
Oscar knows what's up.